Welcome to Fargo East

Seems like this winter has been one of the colder ones in Lexington that I ca recall. We have had a number of below zero temps and some snow and a couple of ice storms. I have started calling Lexington “Fargo East” due to the cold.

(See a nice gallery of my Winter Photos from all over)

20140205-180241.jpgI don’t mind the cold and snow at all. I’m fact, I have missed it during previous winters. It does have a serene beauty.

20140205-180454.jpgLast night we had a mild ice storm which caused downed trees, power outages, and lots of accidents. Treacherous as these can be, the resulting beauty of crystallized branches and icicle draped signs and buildings is a marvelous site to behold.

20140205-184854.jpg20140205-185000.jpg20140205-185127.jpgOf course, wildlife must adjust as well. I think this squirrel got a bit riled up trying to forage for food under the snow….

20140205-185407.jpgAnd we human animals are pretty well stuck too…grill is covered with snow and ice and frozen shut.

20140205-185509.jpgBut, all is good. The beauty of even the simplest icicles to the unique arrangement along a straight line makes up for it all. I do love this artful work of nature!
